Faculty of Agriculture seeks to achieve leadership and scientific excellence at the local and regional levels in the field of agriculture and life sciences...


The Faculty of Agriculture at Benha University, is committed to preparing competent specialists in the agricultural field who are capable of self-learning...


Faculty of Agriculture seeks to graduate agricultural engineers who have the scientific capabilities and practical skills-Faculty of agriculture encourages...


World Leprosy Day for the 3rd Time in Benha University

World Leprosy Day for the 3rd Time in Benha University

The Egyptian-French Medical Association in Cairo participates in the World Leprosy Day that will be held for the third time in Benha University on Saturday, 21/02/2015, 10:00am at the Great Hall of Celebrations.

It is worth mentioning that representatives from more than 15 African and Francophone states and from World Health Organization “WHO” will participate in that Day Effectively.

ELC actives 29 E-courses during the First Academic Term

ELC actives 29 E-courses during the First Academic Term

The teamwork of the E-learning Center “ELC” at Benha University has Succeed in providing 26 e-courses of the faculty members from the faculties of (Medicine - Veterinary Medicine – Agriculture – Science – Specific Education – Physical Education – Applied Arts – Engineering in Shubra – Engineering in Benha – Arts – Nursing – Computers and Information).

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