Scholarships from the technology and science center to be announced
There are scholarships from the technology and science center that are presented to the developing countries to obtain a fellowship of technology and science in South Africa.
Faculty of Agriculture seeks to achieve leadership and scientific excellence at the local and regional levels in the field of agriculture and life sciences...
The Faculty of Agriculture at Benha University, is committed to preparing competent specialists in the agricultural field who are capable of self-learning...
Faculty of Agriculture seeks to graduate agricultural engineers who have the scientific capabilities and practical skills-Faculty of agriculture encourages...
There are scholarships from the technology and science center that are presented to the developing countries to obtain a fellowship of technology and science in South Africa.
Benha university president invites the head of education board in people’s assembly prof.Dr. Gamal Shihato attend the university forums about the Development of higher education and Scientific Research. This forum is held under the auspices of prof.Dr. Ashraf EL-Shihy, the minster of higher education and scientific research. The forum will be held in 25-2-2017.
Prof.Dr. Hesham Abu El-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies and research states that the supreme committee, under the auspices of prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president, endorses the international ranking of the universities and the final result of the international publishing contest after the end of the Grievances period.