Faculty of Agriculture seeks to achieve leadership and scientific excellence at the local and regional levels in the field of agriculture and life sciences...


The Faculty of Agriculture at Benha University, is committed to preparing competent specialists in the agricultural field who are capable of self-learning...


Faculty of Agriculture seeks to graduate agricultural engineers who have the scientific capabilities and practical skills-Faculty of agriculture encourages...


Results of the Faculty Dean Elections

Results of the Faculty Dean Elections

Organizing committee of elections announced has announced results of the Faculty dean elections among candidates which has been held on Wednesday, 19\9\2012 and its results was as following; Prof. Dr. Maher Hassab El Naby Khalil has got 74 vote and Prof. Dr. Ezzat Farag El Khayat has got 63, 3 vote and presence of the faculty members was 90, 5% and thus according to laws and after opening the door of voting for the faculty members Prof. dr. Maher Hassab El Naby Khalil has got 112,3 vote where he has achieved the majority of votes by getting 60,4% of correct votes and thus Prof. Dr. Maher Hassab El Naby Khalil has become Faculty of Agriculture dean.

Image Magazine Contest

Image Magazine Contest

Youth care department at the faculty announces about participating in image magazine contest which will be held at the University where three students have been participated and their names as following; Mustafa El Tukhy, Mahmoud Hamdy and Ahmed Saied Omary.

Evaluation Contest of Students Activities

Evaluation Contest of Students Activities

Youth Care Department at the Faculty announces about holding a week for evaluating students activities at the following activities " Gawalah, Culture, Art, Social and sport". The contest is going to be held on Sunday, 30\9\2012.

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