Faculty of Agriculture seeks to achieve leadership and scientific excellence at the local and regional levels in the field of agriculture and life sciences...


The Faculty of Agriculture at Benha University, is committed to preparing competent specialists in the agricultural field who are capable of self-learning...


Faculty of Agriculture seeks to graduate agricultural engineers who have the scientific capabilities and practical skills-Faculty of agriculture encourages...


Benha University participates in the Second International Exhibition for Defense and Military Industries “EDEX”

Benha University participates in the Second International Exhibition for Defense and Military Industries “EDEX”

A delegation from Benha University, headed by Prof. Gamal Sousa, President of the University, Dr. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, number of deans of faculties and students participated in the activities of the Second International Exhibition for Defense and Military Industries “EDEX”. Benha University delegation toured the exhibition pavilions, in which major Egyptian and international companies working in the field of defense industries participated with the latest equipment, technologies and security and defense systems.
It is worth mentioning that the second international exhibition for defense and military industries “EDEX 2021” was held at the Egypt International Exhibition Center, where the opening of the exhibition was witnessed by President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic and Lieutenant-General Mohamed Zaki, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Minister of Defense and Military Production, and a number of Ministers and military delegations from different countries of the world.

Benha University wins the Second Place in the Intercontinental Traditional Karate Championships

Benha University wins the Second Place in the Intercontinental Traditional Karate Championships

Dr. Gamal Sosa, Benha University President received the student Ganat Allah Morsy, the student at the second year at Faculty of Physical Education who won the second place in the Intercontinental Traditional Karate Championships.
The meeting was held in presence of Prof. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs, Dr. Nasser El Gizawy , the Vice –President for Post Graduate Studies Affairs , Dr.Osama Salah , the Faculty of Physical Education dean and Dr.Khalid Essawy , the general coordinator of student activities . Dr. Gamal Sousa said that we are proud of such honorable models from students of Benha University, congratulating the student on the results she achieved during the championship activities, stressing that the university will support her in all the upcoming champions. Dr. Gamal Soussa stressed that Benha University is keen to support outstanding students and encourage them to engage in sports activities that create conscious, enlightened and productive youth who work for the benefit of their community and country.

Benha University celebrates International Anti- Corruption Day with Administrative Control Authority (ACA)

Benha University celebrates International Anti- Corruption Day with Administrative Control Authority (ACA)

Benha University organized a celebration yesterday on the occasion of International Anti- Corruption Day by cooperation with Administrative Control Authority (ACA). The celebration was held in presence of Prof. Dr. Gamal Sosa, Benha University President, Major General Abdel Hamid Al-Hagan, Governor of Qalyubia ,Major General Khalid Abd El Latif , Head of ACA in Qalyoubia , Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the University Vice-president for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Researches' Affairs,Prof.Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students` Affairs , and Dr. Khalid Esawy, the General Coordinator for Students' Affairs .In his speech, Prof. Dr. Gamal Sosa confirmed that corruption is the scourge of all ages and it must be combated in all its forms and assured that anti- corruption must be a priority for all institution at all countries around the world whether it was developed or developing countries. He also added that corruption is the disease that must be treated to get rid of its negative effects.
For his part, Major General Abdel Hamid El-Hagan, Governor of Qalyubia, said that the International Anti-Corruption Day is a real opportunity to raise the awareness of Benha University students', deepen their knowledge of issues related to preventing and combating corruption, to shed light on the dangers of corruption and its consequences for economic development in Egypt and the world too. He also added that Egypt has begun a new era of fighting corruption and will not accept the corrupt or remain silent about their failures, as the national strategy to combat corruption has been launched during the era of President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi. El- Hagan also said that Administrative Control Authority (ACA) exerts tangible efforts in combating corruption and that had a great impact in preserving state resources, preserving its prestige and the rule of law, and supporting political reform and sustainable development efforts to provide a better life for current and future generations.
In his speech, Major General Khaled Abdel Latif, head of ACA Office in Qalyubia, expressed his thanks to Benha University for their participation in the International Anti-Corruption Day celebration, noting that Benha University was a pioneer in implementing the objectives of the national anti-corruption strategy and an important model in educating students about matters related to corruption as they are the future and hope of the state.

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