Faculty of Agriculture seeks to achieve leadership and scientific excellence at the local and regional levels in the field of agriculture and life sciences...


The Faculty of Agriculture at Benha University, is committed to preparing competent specialists in the agricultural field who are capable of self-learning...


Faculty of Agriculture seeks to graduate agricultural engineers who have the scientific capabilities and practical skills-Faculty of agriculture encourages...


Benha University mourns Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawy

Benha University mourns Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawy

Benha University leaders and staff mourned Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawy, one of the commanders of the glorious October War. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the acting president of Benha University, on behalf of the university's vice presidents, deans of faculties, all academic and administrative leaders and the university family expressed his sincere condolences on the death of Field Marshal Tantawy, asking God Almighty to bless him with his mercy.
El Gizawy also confirmed that the national history of Field Marshal Tantawy as one of the leaders and heroes of our armed forces and the glorious October War .He also considered as one of the national symbols and the Egyptian people who will not forget because of his great history at the military life of Egypt history and his presidency of the Military Council, where he assumed responsibility in difficult circumstances and led the country towards safety.

Prof. Tamer Samir witnesses the end of the Geniuses Contest

Prof. Tamer Samir witnesses the end of the Geniuses Contest

Prof. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs witnessed the end of Geniuses Contest which was held under auspices of Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the acting president of Benha University , Dr.Khalid Essawy, the general coordinator of students' activities and Dr.Musbah Kohely , the general manager of Youth Welfare.
. Prof. Tamer Samir thanked all participant teams and students for their efforts and he also congratulates the winner teams and students and hoped for them best wishes and more of achievements.

An Introductory Seminar for the English programs at Faculty of Commerce

An Introductory Seminar for the English programs at Faculty of Commerce

Faculty of Commerce, Benha University organized an introductory seminar about English programs at Faculty of Commerce under auspices of Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the acting president of Benha University and Prof. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs and in presence of Dr.Mohamed Saeed Basyouny, the acting dean of Commerce faculty, Dr.Mohamed Samy Ghonemy, the Faculty deputy for Education and Students Affairs, Dr.Mohamed Ahmed Khalil , the Faculty deputy for Community Service and Environment Affairs , Dr.Nanis Fikry , the English programs coordinator and Mr.Mustafa Abu El Dahab , the general manager of the Faculty . With our best wishes for all students.

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