Faculty of Agriculture seeks to achieve leadership and scientific excellence at the local and regional levels in the field of agriculture and life sciences...


The Faculty of Agriculture at Benha University, is committed to preparing competent specialists in the agricultural field who are capable of self-learning...


Faculty of Agriculture seeks to graduate agricultural engineers who have the scientific capabilities and practical skills-Faculty of agriculture encourages...


Ministry of Higher Education launches "Study in Egypt" Initiative for Incoming Students

Ministry of Higher Education launches "Study in Egypt" Initiative for Incoming Students

The Central Administration for Incoming Students at Ministry of Higher Education announces about opening the door for incoming students to study at Egyptian universities and institutes for the academic year 20212022, in the frame work of "Study in Egypt" Initiative which launched by Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research for all study stages. For more detail about the initiative, you can visit the following link;

El Gizawy inspects the Second Semester Exams at Faculty of Applied Arts

El Gizawy inspects the Second Semester Exams at Faculty of Applied Arts

Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the acting president of Benha University, inspected during his evening tour today, the Second semester exams at Faculty of Applied Arts. During his tour, El Gizawy was accompanied by Dr. Abd El Moamen Shams El Din, the Faculty dean.
Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy inspected the implemented precautionary measures to protect students and employees during exams process and commended Faculties' commitment of the following measures; checking students' temperature, keeping suitable spaces among students and wearing masks and he also assured on following the other precautionary measures to counter the spread of Corona virus.

El Gizawy: EGP750 for Benha University Staff on Occasion of Eid al-Adha 2021

El Gizawy: EGP750 for Benha University Staff on Occasion of Eid al-Adha 2021

Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the acting president of Benha University has approved to grant EGP750 for the University staff as a reward on the occasion of Eid al-Adha 2021.
El Gizawy assured on finishing all procedures of granting the reward for all the staff very soon and he also stressed that Benha University Administration is keen on supporting its employees and stimulate its efficient employees. On the other hand, Mrs. Shereen Shawqy, the General Secretary of Benha University said that the grant will be given for all employees at the Benha University and its faculties.

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